p2p lending knowledge from the experts
As you have already noticed, I am working currently intensively with p2p loans. To initially build me a "p2p lending knowledge," I have brought an expert on board to me. If you, like me recently, deals with p2p loans, you come pretty soon the name Lars Wrobbel. He blogs exactly this type of investment under passives-einkommen-mit-p2p.de and has also been published a book about it: investing in P2P personal loans: What you should know how to avoid mistakes and successfully invested
*. Lars gives us kindly a little crash course for beginners * inside and gives us to p2p lending knowledge. Thank you for that, dear Lars!
Lars about
In addition, I am very interested in traveling far from any tourist sites and the lives of digital nomads, from which one can learn a great deal when it comes to the online entrepreneurship. I am a member of the Citizen Circle since the beginning of the year (a community of local independent entrepreneurs) from Earth City-Gründer Tim Chimoy and have the concept of " Bali instead Bochum " (or in my case Delbrück) tested in the summer for almost 2 months. In the future, I will continue to focus on my outside activities, but still remain as an employee because makes me both interesting and fun for me and I also have the power to do both in parallel. Not least by the clever outsourcing techniques of digital nomads.
1. For the purposes of the motto "p2p lending knowledge": Describe them a note about what p2p loans at all.
In p2p loans is basically a private lending to either private borrowers (such asauxmoney * ) or to companies (such as Investly). A simple example: Klaus wants to buy a car and not waiting for a commitment from its bank. He therefore sets an application to Auxmoney. Many investors see Klaus' project and its good credit.Everyone who now wants to invest his share at a specified rate of return in advance and Klaus can ruckzuck buy his car.
Of course, it need not be always frowned upon consumer loans. Anyone who wants can also invest for themselves, "correct." For example, in real estate projects, start-ups, etc. The p2p concept is now incredibly diverse and interesting than 70 platforms in Europe.
2. Why is p2p loans are suitable to generate a passive income?
therefore p2p loans are very suitable for it because it's faster. To deal with dividend stocks a decent residual income to build, it takes quite a lot of money in p2p lending that is not so. My rule of thumb is: 1000 EUR = 10 EUR passive income. In addition, you can start with extremely low amounts because they are eaten not usually of fees. What can be achieved in a short time with p2p loans, I once hererepresented.
3. What are the chances of p2p lending?
p2p loans still stuck here in Germany in its infancy. Apart from the top dogauxmoney there is nothing useful far and wide. Crosslend has good ideas, but does not come up to full speed. If you look to the Baltic States beyond the German borders, you are there in terms of FinTech quite a corner on. Between you and me, not only in the FinTech area you are on, but that's a topic for a separate article In any case, this is a clear sign that we in this country still quite have room for improvement. In addition, new credit marketplaces springing up in Europe every month with new techniques from the ground and the record sales are regularly broken. I am very curious to see how the next few years will look here.

4. What are the risks of P2P loans and how do I best deal with them?
Let's not fool ourselves. p2p loans are a high-risk investment. With returns from 15 to 20 percent (eg Bondora), which should be clear. If one goes into p2p, one will suffer losses and in strong regularity. The art of dealing is like in the stock market is to diversify properly, to stay calm and not constantly tinkering with his portfolio. So invest properly, observe and make adjustments only in the greatest doubt.
In addition, as always, depends on all the great shadow of the financial crisis. Also thereof p2p loans do not remain unaffected. Mainly because the p2p industry has never experienced not a real financial crisis in Europe. However, there is evidence from the US , which will probably also occur here in the case. But as always, is all just speculation.
5. What are the top criteria by which I should choose a p2p marketplace?
Since I've just made the mistake with Crosslend itself, the main criterion is: Choose a platform that suits you. Each platform has its peculiarities. Buyback, tax can be offset, lending by real estate, etc. It is therefore important to consider exactly what you want at all. On top of a standard check on the reliability of the company. But as p2p is always known and sits down slowly in the investment scene that should be done quickly nowadays. A good starting point for questions about specific platforms to get is as the Forum of p2p Pope Claus Lehmann and my own p2p community and now has nearly 500 active investors. Personally, I always stay that I am not the first to experience on a platform makes
But my advice is: Do not make it too difficult for the selection. Just get somewhere and test live, whether it is something for you. Each hands-on experience is worth a thousand times more valuable than your previous searches. As you can test just about any platform with very little investment capital, which is also absolutely no problem.
6. What are the top criteria by which I should select a definite credit?
I have in the course of my Crosslend investments some criteria set up for me. But this is the absolute exception, because normally I invest completely passive and automated . Smarter it gets. I leave it so select the platforms themselves the loan for me. I'd rather drink a delicious cup of coffee, play with my son or spend time in the gym than just an unnecessary minute to put in a manual credit selection.
7. What are the absolute No Gos in investing in p2p lending? What should I look?
The greatest mistake in my eyes is the lack of diversification. Invest Euro 1000 you want to invest in 1000 in a loan with a bad credit rating and a cat as your profile picture (my regards to the financial Rocker ) and the chaos is inevitable. Rather use the new techniques and sprinkle with the portfolio-builders over 100s of loans. So you make a few failures purely out of nothing.
8. What has been your biggest mistake in investing in p2p lending?
My biggest mistake is to start a blog about it was, because now I have to keep e-mails to answer
No, of course that was fun. My biggest mistake in p2p investment was actually the manual investment, as many still eg * auxmoneypractice. It just costs so insane amount of time and brings the end even not even to you. You can compare it to actively and passively managed funds. You will passively stand virtually as good.
9. you invest exclusively in p2p or to other products?
P2P accounts for only a small portion of my investment. I invest, like you, in a passive global portfolio of equities, real estate, commodities. In addition still various individual values of large and stable companies such as Coca Cola, etc. come to me to create a passive income as well. The p2p share of my total portfolio is currently 15%, and I try p2p investment makes sense in my entire strategy to integrate. This means that I invest more depending on the economic situation in shares and p2p back ride, or vice versa.