"You must invest your money in silver!"
How many times have you heard these phrases in the last five years? It is a kind of mantra heard in any modern financial circle, from Bloomberg LP to MSNBC and Fox Business. I worked at a major financial company in New York where everything revolved around gold and silver futures, trusts, funds, etc. If you want to look economically smart, just use the two phrases of the beginning of this text, rinse and repeat. But if you look at the actual numbers, not just the advice was bad, but Bitcoin was the winner that nobody saw coming . And no one will admit that he missed.
Bitcoin as a commodity has a path of unprecedented growth
If you listen to the media, you might even think that Bitcoin is just a solid investment with increasing US $ 200 in a month, and the rest of the time he shouldavoid like the plague . Let's look at the numbers of gold and silver since 2011 to get an idea of how it has actually fared during this last "gold rush".
As you can see clearly the "goose that lays the golden egg" has been laying eggs that do not shine, and they give off a smell of rotten since 2010. From its peak four years ago, gold has been in continuous correction , and it has lost more than 40% of its value in dollars. In the case of Bitcoin, the closing of the exchange Mt.Gox gave enough reasons to be afraid to reinvest. Subsequently, Bitcoin experienced a correction year, but gold isnow in the fourth year. Discounting the bubble 2011, gold lost nearly 20% over the last five years.
To the silver will be gone better? The answer is no. In fact, she was worse. From the silver bubble, which occurred a few months before the bubble gold, silver has experienced an even sharper fall of more than 70%. Discounting the 2011 bubble again, silver has fallen almost 50% over the last five years. Recently, the price of silver fell almost daily for two consecutive weeks, something that has not happened since 1980. This is a clear sign of deflation in the commodity markets , and an indicator of the market as a whole if the Federal Reserve and the government were not actively manipulating . For comparison, now let's look at Bitcoin:
A bitcoin worth only $ 0.26 on 16 November 2010 exceeded $ 6 in late 2011, and $ 12 in early 2013. Many discovered Bitcoin mid-2013, and for a time He remained at around US $ 130. Everyone knows the bubble created largely by Mt. Gox, so we remove that. Once the smoke cleared, you have a Bitcoin worth 35% more in early January this year. The market corrected itself, and since (January this year) the value has almost doubled. More recently ( two weeks ago ) a small bubble (the rate peaked at US $ 500) left a gain of nearly 40% after correction. I would say that Bitcoin is volatile upward , and the others are volatile downward. What would you prefer? I have a chart to include more, just for fun ...
Adquisitivo Poder del dollars
I'm not saying that gold and silver are bad long-term investments. But how many people have bought gold and silver five years ago thinking they were going to make a 10 or 20% per year since? What financial advisor was saying that it was necessary to keep these products for a decade to make a profit? And how many had the vision to anticipate what Bitcoin would do in those five years?
Please do your own research and consult your financial advisor ... or maybe not! If he is not in charge of your own business and working on a centralized banking institution, do you really think you'll get tips serve you and not the bank first? I've been there. That's all I can say about it .
If you have the means to do so, buy precious metals like gold and silver is a good strategy, but will probably have to wait another 3 to 5 years before getting a return similar to Bitcoin. In the long run, it is a good idea, but have an eye on the short or the long term, why not put together a good position in bitcoins and shorten that period to 3-5 months?Whether you have invested in gold, silver, or a certificate of deposit to 5 years at a rate of 5%, minus taxes and inflation it go much worse than if you had invested in bitcoins , right?Why double the bet when you can get a little "digital gold" and anticipate the next bend?
Take this simply as food for reflection that allows you to choose your investments wisely. Like gold and silver, Bitcoin will not go away. The US dollar, on the other hand ...