Bitcoin is no longer that covered with acne, insecure and confused teenager, who believed in a team of incorruptible superprogramadores that would solve all their problems. Bitcoin is growing, and never again be so easy to take advantage of their innocence.
The launch of Bitcoin Classic will end the fear of competition deployments , end the curse that drags the arbitration by forks , and will start a new era: the decentralized development. This new customer intends to initiate the way towards the establishment of Bitcoin as a universal currency giving as little as significant step: an increase in the limit on the size of the block that satisfies not only the vast majority of users, savers, investors, traders, processors payments and exchange sites, but also several operators of the largest mining pools -who already have spoken in favor of the proposal-.
Let's see what this is about.
We are proposing a hard fork of Bitcoin bearing the size limit of 2 MB blocks.Join us.The data show that there is consensus among miners for an immediate increase to 2MB , and the demand among users is 8 MB or more. We are writing software that miners and users want. We will ensure that meet your needs, we will help implement it , and together we can improve the capacity of the Bitcoin network.Our code repository is called Bitcoin Classic. It's a patch of Bitcoin Core single function that increases the size limit of 2MB block. Miners and companies can upgrade to 2MB blocks from any recent version of the software that are running Bitcoin.In the future we will continue releasing updates that are aligned with the paperand the vision of Satoshi , and have the support of the community.