5 tips to reduce the cost of his mortgage - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Thursday, October 5, 2017

5 tips to reduce the cost of his mortgage

Although currently very moderate, the rise in interest rates that began end of 2016 should continue in 2017. Given this new situation, borrowers can still operate certain levers to reduce the cost of theirmortgage .
The rate hike should not discourage especially households that wish to implement a real estate buying via the box "bank". Indeed, there are several techniques that reduce the total cost of a home loan, as recalled Credixia broker.

1. Demonstrate ability to save

During the negotiation phase of the home loan, banks look particularly two parameters: the income and contribution.Luckily, the French are more numerous than previously estimated it appropriate to put money aside, according to a recent survey ."A savings capacity is a major asset for the banker," says Credixia. According to the broker, an input representing at least 20% of the amount of the transaction can achieve a rate decrease to 0.40 point according to borrowers profiles. However, those who have no contribution must insist on such a young age, their job prospects or their seniority with the employer.

2. Choosing the right broker

Call an intermediary to get a mortgage cheaper may be wise. But which choose from this manna professionals ready to offer their services on the market? Anyway, some as Credixia not charge brokerage fees and negotiate the exemption of administrative fees from the lending bank.These arguments can tip the balance.

3. Opting for a loan insurance delegation

Before accepting a loan offer, banks routinely ask to take out loan insurance, which protects the lender and the borrower in case of disability, incapacity, death or unemployment. Most of the time, they offer their contract "home", but by negotiating an insurance delegation, which allows buyers of real estate to take out insurance from a company other than the credit agency that grants them the loan, "it is possible to achieve up to 60% savings" on the post, said Credixia. Good to know: households subscribing a mortgage to buy a house or apartment may, after one year,terminate this Agreement .

4. Negotiate two priority options

The interest rate is not the only parameter to consider when taking out amortgage . We must also think to negotiate the waiver of prepayment penalties and the transferability of the loan . "This last option will keep the rate conditions, borrower insurance and warranty included in the original home loan for the acquisition of a new principal residence. The loan transfer is a clever idea to save money by limiting costs related to the establishment of a new credit while keeping borrowing rates, "adds Credixia.

5. Take advantage of state aid as PTZ

Finally, several public aid schemes have been set up to support home ownership. This is the case of the new loan rate to zero (PTZ), which funds up to 40% of the well, against 18 to 26% in 2015. It is aimed at households that were not owners their primary residence during the two years preceding the loan application, means-tested. The 2016 version was a success : according to forecasts, the ambitious government target of 120,000 PTZ signed would have been reached. Although modified every year since its inception 20 years ago, PTZ has so far kept the state for 2017.