Duties of insurance policyholders according to the Insurance Contract Act - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Duties of insurance policyholders according to the Insurance Contract Act

Law 50/1980 * fixed in Articles 14 and following the obligations of policyholders insurance on the insurance company.

Basically, the policyholder (the person who hires and endorses the insurance policy) agrees:

 to declare the actual risks and circumstances to ensure for the proper calculation of the premium filling, if necessary, a questionnaire;

 to pay the premium ;

 to inform the insurer a claim before 7 days pass occurs , detailing the most of what happened;

 to use the means at its disposal to mitigate the consequences of the accident , including advancing money for that purpose.

Insurance Contract Act
applicable law insurance *, it reads (some of these items are cut and its main editorial that cited here):

Article 10
The policyholder has the duty, before the conclusion of the contract, to declare to the insurer, according to the questionnaire he submitted to it , all the circumstances known to him that may influence the risk assessment. He is relieved of this obligation if the insurer does not submit the questionnaire or when, even sometiéndoselo, are circumstances that may influence the risk assessment and are not included in it.

Article 14
The policyholder is obliged to pay the premium under the conditions stipulated in the policy. If you have agreed periodic premiums, the first of which shall be payable upon signing the contract. If the policy is not no place for the payment of the premium is determined, it is understood that this has to be done at the address of the policyholder.

Article 16
The policyholder or the insured or the beneficiary shall inform the insurer of the occurrence of the loss within a maximum period of seven days have known, unless it is fixed in the policy a broader term. In case of default, the insurer may claim damages caused by the lack of statement.

This effect will not occur if it is proved that the insurer has been informed of the incident by other means.

The policyholder or the insured shall also provide the insurer with all sorts of information about the circumstances and consequences of the accident. In case of violation of this duty, the loss of the right to compensation will only occur in the event that had crowded severe pain or guilt.

Article 17
The insured or the policyholder shall use the means available to reduce the consequences of the accident. Breach of this duty will entitle the insurer to reduce its benefits in proportion timely, given the importance of related harm and the degree of fault of the insured.

If this breach occurs with the manifest intention of harming or misleading the insurer, the latter shall be released from any claim arising provision.

The expenses incurred by fulfilling that obligation, provided they are not inappropriate or disproportionate to the salvaged goods shall be borne by the insurer to the limit fixed in the contract, even if such expenses have not had effective or positive results. In the absence of agreement the actual expenses incurred will be indemnified. Such compensation may not exceed the sum insured.

The insurer under the contract, need only indemnify a portion of the damage caused by the accident shall reimburse the proportional part of the salvage expenses, unless the insured or the policyholder acted according to the instructions of the insurer.

* Law 50/1980 of 8 October on Insurance Contracts.