Cryptoleninismo - Bitcoin Forex Loans Insurance Busines


Saturday, September 30, 2017


If you have reached Bitcoinlandia with the latest waves of immigrants from the fiat world, you may find it somewhat confusing the intellectual landscape today offers the world already strange.

It might surprise you see a group of self - styled "cypherpunks" associated with the banking industry, or censoring any divergent opinion or attacking virulently those who express critical voices, or promoting inflation arbitrary, or declaring war on electronic money P2P (in English "P2P electronic cash" as defined Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin) in favor of systems that require financial intermediaries.

You might ask: Were not perhaps the cypherpunks a diehard champions of open society? If you're new here, you deserve an explanation. The conflict that has bogged down Bitcoin in its progress towards its manifest destiny has nothing to do with scientific or technological issues and a lot has to do with the emergence of cryptoleninismo a doctrine that the development of Bitcoin should not be subject to the laws the market but to the dictates of a Central Committee . Lo cypherpunk is nothing more than a convenient disguise, as representative of his spirit as "German Democratic Republic" it was the republican or democratic spirit.

Financed by AXA (the second financial company with more economic power in the world -after fiat Barclays- and one of the most exposed to financial derivatives) through Blockstream , and supported by a propaganda campaign that Joseph Goebbels would have considered excessively dirty, the cryptoleninismo is now testing the ability of Bitcoin to "recognize censorship as damage and evade" (by consensus Nakamoto), to use the famous formulation coined by a genuine cypherpunk.

Blockstream, the visible face of cryptoleninismo, set out to master Bitcoin-not Freicoin, let us say for the same reason that once Fidel Castro set out to dominate Cuba and not a desert island. If Castro had extended an invitation from a deserted island to anyone who wanted to migrate there to voluntarily adopt communism, the result would have been reducing their own standard of bare subsistence life in solitude. Equivalent to that of Freicoin destination, this project introduced to the world of criptomonedas the bright idea of programmed erosion of purchasing power (to force people to use their freicoins), which takes a few years agonizing in the dustbin altcoins aberrant. It is not surprising that such dullness has been conceived by individuals who later would be hired by Blockstream.

Economic illiteracy has kept mostly outside cryptoleninistas Bitcoin as an investment, as has prevented them understand why Bitcoin Freicoin succeeded where he failed. But it has not stopped them from getting the service of a dictatorial and organization parasitic in order to forcibly extract the value that otherwise were unable to get Bitcoin.

Like other leaders of totalitarian movements, cryptoleninistas not invite us to join their project. On the contrary, they seek to impose an established society and functional enough to have accumulated such wealth that aspire to plunder . You know that nobody in their right mind take your system willingly although most probably know from experience that having understood the reasons for rejection - so obstinate.

You can be an excellent and successful programmer and ignore the most basic economic principles. You can be an excellent and successful programmer and -while your conscience will not reproach him work for Kim Jong Un. Why not? Do you need it to understand concepts such as "market" or "economic incentive" if you pay your salary isKimAXA? No: just follow the instructions of the supreme leader and never question it . And if someone suggests that your actions could be influenced by an obvious conflict of interest , simply calling him a paranoid or accuse him of ignoring the complicated social engineering that guarantees the success of the project cryptoleninista.

The assault of cryptoleninistas is all that is keeping the price of bitcoin at current levels, so you can thank them the opportunity to acquire bicoins below $ 10,000. Imagine if you could buy property in Pyongyang with certainty that the regime of Kim Jong Un will fall soon and will be replaced by a government decided to import the economic model of Singapore. Not very different is the situation in which you find yourself .

But only you can consider yourself lucky if you are able to seize this opportunity, and you can not take advantage of it if you let yourself be carried away by the siren song of planning centralized -for the promises of an independent cryptoparaíso of the forces of the market. You can not afford to ignore the contradictions of cryptoleninistas, nor their vested interests. Otherwise, you will see bad signs where there are good (like the resistance of the miners to the assault of Blockstream / Core), and vice versa .